############### What is Gluon? ############### Gluon is a simple decision-tree daemon that executes external programs (scripts) to determine the path-flow within the decision-tree. It essentially operates as a basic IF-THEN-ELSE expert system that can be used to monitor and take action. Gluon is written in Perl. For more information see the Gluon (1) manpage. ############### Requirements ############### Perl (core) and the following perl modules: Tree::Simple Tree::Parser These can be obtained through CPAN (http://www.cpan.org/) or the standard method for your system. You can also download the modules and install them manually. Please see the README for each module for further details. Tree::Simple http://search.cpan.org/CPAN/authors/id/S/ST/STEVAN/Tree-Simple-1.16.tar.gz Tree::Parser http://search.cpan.org/CPAN/authors/id/S/ST/STEVAN/Tree-Parser-0.11.tar.gz (Please note, above URLs may not be the latest available. Any problems, please check the CPAN main site) ############### Status & Versioning ############### The current version is 1.1.2 (Development) Please see the CHANGELOG file for more infomation regarding versioning. ############### Installation ############### This daemon does not require installation. It can be run straight from this directory. However, if you like you can install it to /usr/local/bin for example: # install -b -g wheel -o root -m 0711 gluon.pl /usr/local/bin/gluon.pl # install -b -g wheel -o root -m 0600 gluon.conf /usr/local/etc/gluon.conf # install -b -g wheel -o root -m 0600 gluon.tree /usr/local/etc/gluon.tree as root. Then run the program as root: # gluon.pl --config /usr/local/etc/gluon.conf --tree /usr/local/etc/gluon.tree (or edit the config file to suit your needs) Please note, this assumes your perl path is "/usr/bin/perl". If it isn't, either edit the top line of the gluon.pl file or run it as $ perl gluon.pl --config /usr/local/etc/gluon.conf --tree /usr/local/etc/gluon.tree ############### Usage & Configuration ############### For configuration, please see the OPTIONS section of the Gluon (1) manpage. To run, simply run the command as $ ./gluon.pl This will pick up the application default values, unless there is a configuration file present. You can of course set options on the command line. Options given on the command line override the corresponding options in the configuration file and the configuration file override the application defaults. ############### Documentation ############### This release should have with it a few versions of the gluon manpage (a manpage, a text file and an html file). Gluon documentation is actually held inside the gluon.pl perl file in the form of POD (Perl's Plain Old Documentation). These can be generated thus: $ pod2man gluon.pl gluon.1 $ pod2html gluon.pl > gluon.html $ pod2text gluon.pl > gluon.txt Of course, --help option gives usage information. ############### Problems ############### Should you experience any problems with this software or if you would like to request a feature then please visit the Gluon project page on the sourceforge website at http://sourceforge.net/projects/gluon/